Epiphany volunteers do not seek praise or acclaim for their actions, we wish "to let [our] light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify [our] father in heaven" Matthew5:16.
Soli Deo Gloria (To God alone be the Glory).
Epiphany requirements for volunteers
Volunteers must have completed an Epiphany Volunteer application and be members in good standing at the Christian church they attend.
Volunteers must obtain volunteer status from the Department of Juvenile Justice Volunteer Services Office, this requires:
Being at least 18 years old
Separate application to the Department of Juvenile Justice Volunteer Services Office
Department of Social Services clearance
State Law Enforcement Division clearance
Volunteers must have attended a recognized three-day weekend, Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, Via de Cristo, etc.. The weekend attended can either be adult or a youth weekend e.g. Happening or Chyrsalis. Some flexibility in this rule can be made for kitchen staff working outside of the facility at the discretion of the Lay Director.
Volunteers on a weekend must commit to attend the entire 3-day weekend.
Volunteers should attend at least half of the team training meetings, but it is much preferred for volunteers to attend all team training sessions. It is especially important for new volunteers to attend all team training meetings to understand the program and help in team building.
Team selection is done by the Lay Director with the support and consent of the State Board. All team assignments are made by the Lay Director of the weekend.
New volunteers have an excellent chance of being selected because a goal for weekends is that at least one-third of the team should be new to Epiphany.